Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cooking and Chatting

We made frog cupcakes for Grace's preschool class (she was the snack helper). Later in the week we made chocolate chip cookies, but Grace decided we were making sugar cookies. I just let her ice them and put sprinkles on.

She has been saying the funniest things lately like "I'm still hungry. My belly buttons not wet yet." What does that mean? She recently reminded me how she loves positive reinforcement. She was pretending yet again to be Emma and I said "Wow Emma, did you do up those buttons on your jammies all by yourself?" She answered sadly "No, but the thing that Emma did do good is I put my shirt over my head!"


crazywildberry said...

Those frog cupcakes are very cute! I am sure they were a hit in your daughter's class.

It's funny the things that these four-year-olds say. My almost-4-year-old likes to pretend she is a baby or Sleeping Beauty, or a number of other things. Lately, she has been pretending that she falls asleep in the car as I back the car into the drive. I start saying something like, "oh since Princess has fallen asleep, I guess I won't have a helper for (whatever)." She magically wakes up. It's so cute so see her proud expression that she "got" Mommy. LOL!

Clint, Mel & Kids said...

Very impressive cupcakes!!

The Hall Clan said...

love the froggy cupcakes. cute kiddos too. at least she isn't pretending to be some creepy man, like "hatchet" or bruce --emma is a better choice.