I am going a little nuts. I forgot to post that I found out I was pregnant on April Fools Day. That fact made telling Chad really fun. Along with the other blaring fact that baby Kate was not quite 5 months old at the time. I'm starting my 15th week and feeling less sick, less tired... I'm still sick and tired!...just not as bad. I'm due on Nov. 9th. I was due with Kate Nov. 11th and had her on Nov. 2nd, so there is a chance for Irish Twins (Is that what they call it?) Luckily I live in Utah and nearly everyone I tell says, "ya, mine are 13 months apart, or my sisters are that close together." I still get some fun looks as I'm out with the girls and wearing maternity clothes. The poor onlookers don't know what to think, but I can tell their mind is churning. I'm so excited about this baby and the fact that I could be done having kids when I'm 31. I don't know if we are done, but I can say we will be using some form of birth control next time around. We had not used birth control in our marriage for 10 years, and both girls were conceived with clomed, so this was a big surprise and a BIG blessing. I shouldn't care, but I really want a boy this time. Can you imagine the drama of 3 girls so close together?
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Having Fun
Our main floor is all hardwood so we got out the pack n play so Kate could roll around and practice sitting up without getting injured.
Sleeping on Dad's lap is one of her favorite pastimes.
Grace loves dogs and this little visitor just made her day. I also like this video because she refers to herself as the blue genie. She has the best imagination. Her latest characters include Susan of "Monsters verses Aliens", baby Ironman and the 3 Amigo's from the 1986 movie "Three Amigo's" which she saw at a friends house.
Posted by
The Francis Family
8:50 PM
Feeding Kate
I can't believe she's sitting up in a high chair already. She's always happy before the taste testing begins.
This picture doesn't really do justice how messy she is from eating rice cereal. In this feeding she was more interested in her feet than the spoon.
Take 1, 1st try of baby food. Unfortunately the Dr.'s say to start with green beans.
Take 2
Posted by
The Francis Family
8:22 PM
Family Fun
Bonnie came to Utah for Mother's Day and we had a fun obstacle course for the kids that the adults attempted as well. Amy also did a treasure hunt for the kids with puppet show. In my pregnant state, I'm so happy she's full of energy.
The first obstacle was to run to the tramp and do a trick.
Posted by
The Francis Family
6:44 PM
Pool Videos
Grace is too stubborn to jump to Chad
Roman's turn
Posted by
The Francis Family
5:38 PM
Another Birthday
So I almost didn't post anything. I turned 31 this March. Blah. My neighbors made a delicious icecream cake and Chad and Grace sang Happy Birthday to me. That part was fun. Amy turned 30 3 days later and has a wonderful attitude - she didn't care a bit. We all went to Ruth Chris Steakhouse in Park City for dinner and that too was fun. So I guess although I tried to hate my birthday, it was pretty hard to maintain my bad attitude. I will say I have a wrinkle on the skin by my eye that looks like I slept on my pillow case wrong. I can't believe it's an actual permanent part of my face. It's at least an inch long. I better take the advice that I give Grace and start having an attitude of gratitude. I have so much to be thankful for...just not that enormous wrinkle, my age spots and gray hair. OK I'm done complaining.
Posted by
The Francis Family
5:10 PM
Princess Party
Grace got invited to the neighbor girls princess party. It was a pretty big deal. Everyone got their nails painted, lipstick, and sparkles. The highlight was meeting Cinderella and listening to her sing and dance.
Before we left I let her wear eyeshadow and she was so excited
The cupcakes and strawberry milk were adorable, but a little messy when wearing princess attire
Cinderella danced with Grace and gave her an autographed picture
A lot of little princesses to keep happy
Posted by
The Francis Family
4:54 PM