Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Little Gems

While cleaning the office I came across a quote from Grace I wrote down:

"The Lord is NOT on my side. I'm just a ninja turtle."

If you have seen the David and Goliath movie, there is a song during the battle about the Lord being on David's side. Obviously the Lord would not favor a turtle.

In a conversation Grace and I had the other day she was pretending to a Mom and said:
Grace: Angie, is Grace ever naughty?

Me: Sometimes

Grace: What do you do to her when she's naughty?

Me: Put her in timeout.

Grace: Sweetie, you know what I do when my kids are naughty? I give them a cold shower. Have you given Grace a cold shower when she pees her pants?

Me: No, she likes really warm showers so I bet a cold shower would make her sad.

Grace: You should try it. My kids always want to get out of the shower but I say NO five more minutes!

She then proceeded to discipline an imaginary child who just hit someone. I now know what face expressions I give because she looked truly tormented about it.


Amy said...

Oh Angie! I love it! So, have you tried the cold shower yet? I really wish I could've seen her face during the disciplining. Sometimes it's not so fun to see a mirror image of ourselves in our children.

Clint, Mel & Kids said...

She is soooo hilarious!! I love Grace!

The Hall Clan said...

Love that girl!!! My sister and sis in law do the cold shower thing. It's hilarious (and sad). I prefer to hit them with a studded belt. haha. hope your trip was awesome.